I curse you Evil Israel that you all will be nothing

Monday, May 31, 2010

What a disaster when Israel attack the Mer-C on the ship when they want to go to Palestine to supply food, water or anything to help the people on Palestine, but what happen next is the Evil Israel attack that ship and cost a lot of people suffering. from I love Allah I love Rasulullah, I myself pray that hope the Israel will be lost in this battle and they will be afraid to see us, Muslim in this world.

I pray when they young man from Palestine throwing the rock against the Israel Tank, that rock will crush them until they afraid to face it, they will be run when they see us, the Muslim in front of them. I pray that the evil Israel will be nothing because they are nothing and nothing they can do to harm us, Muslim because we know that Allah will help us, will protect us and will bring victory to us.

we don't need United Nations to help us, we don't need America with Obama to help us, we don't need them to help us, all we need is Allah to help us, and I believe it. Amin.

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Save Palestine from Evil Israel

Sunday, May 30, 2010

save palestine
save our palestine
Allahhu Akbar, that's the word who make they spirit raise again to fight against evil Israel who already toke they land and they freedom. and now I love Allah I love Rasulullah want to all of us remember that our brothers and sisters in Palestine suffering because of the evil Israel.

Save Palestine, Save our Palestine and hope Allah will help us all and win this war against the evil Israel. Allahhu Akbar!!

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This Is the way I live now, Love Allah and Rasulullah

Friday, May 28, 2010

Until now, I can't made a conclusion about this situation that happening to me. I just want to do it without any question in my head because I believe Allah and that's enough for me. Everything about other thing I can only do the best I can do, no more no less and anything will comes up as the result is it doesn't matter because I already do the best I can.

I love Allah I love Rasulullah, that's not only the title of this blog but that's what I feel until now and I hope that will never change until the end of my life. probably my friend asking question about the way I live now, why is so different from few years ago, is there something wrong, why do you want to suffering like this?

I feel sorry for them because I know that Allah want us always to remembering Allah and follow what Muhammad Rasulullah already teach to us and that is the way of my life now.

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Aku Ingin Pergi Haji

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ingin Pergi Haji
as a Muslim, I want to complete my "Rukun Islam" with Haji and I hope that moment will come soon because I already miss Allah so much and I'm waiting for Your invitation Allah. maybe the word for describe the way I felt in I love Allah I love Rasulullah is Aku Ingin Pergi Haji.

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Warning and Lesson from Allah for me

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finally I realize something, because of all the problem for the past few months, I've become more closer to Allah and willing to live with always remember Allah no matter what. that's probably what Allah want with me, maybe because I'm too lazy or too far away from Allah and Allah make me remember with this "hard situation". the weird thing is, even I have the "hard situation", still I can do everything I've done before and run all my obligation, that's Allah way for me.

And after knowing that I already do a very big mistake, I begging for Allah forgiveness and hope Allah will forgive me and I believe Allah will raise my life again even more than before. Thanks for Your "warning" and lesson to me and please forgive me and bless me, Allah.

I love Allah I love Rasulullah is one of blog who represent the way I'm feeling when I'm write this article and I believe that Allah know what I've done. Alhamdulillah and hope Sholawat dan salam tercurah kepada Muhammad Rasulullah. amin.

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I really need You Allah

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

i need You Allah
I can't through this life by myself, even that I have everything in this world but still I can do it by myself. I really need You Allah, I can't live without You, I can't do anything without You, so please help me always and be my guide in this cruel world cause I really need You Allah. from I love Allah I love Rasulullah, this is the way I feel today and I wish Allah will give me a big fortune today.

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Beauty Islamic Wallpaper

Monday, May 24, 2010

beauty islamic wallpaper
back again with I love Allah I love Rasulullah and now comes with beauty islamic wallpaper. after few days post without cool islamic wallpaper now we back with the coolest wallpaper. all of this I've doing to show that I really love Allah and Rasulullah from the bottom of my heart.

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Please make my wishes come true

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Maybe not too many people know what is my condition right now including my wife and my daughter, because I don't want they feel worry about me. so with I love Allah I love Rasullah I try to talk to Allah because I believe Allah will listening to me.

Ya Allah, please give me more opportunity to make everyone that I love is happy and I can run and fill my obligation to them. I also want to make something bigger and want to do something for my country, because I dedicated this life only for You, Allah.

So, please help me to make all my wishes come true, ya Allah. amin.

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Islam is my religion and I'm proud of that

Friday, May 21, 2010

Islam Agamaku, Islam is my religion

No matter what everybody said about Islam, I still love Islam, because I love Allah I love Rasulullah and Islam is my relegion, Islam Agamaku. for someone who doesn't know Islam maybe they will think that Islam is bad and anything else, but that's okay because they doesn't know Islam well.

even people who claim that they are Muslim still much of them doesn't understand what is Islam truly and we can see that from that behavior everyday, every times. if they claim that Islam is they religion, I believe they would be follow everything that Allah gave to us and there would be no violence and war in this world. but still Islam is my religion and I'm proud of it.

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Stop Using Facebook

Thursday, May 20, 2010

say no to facebook
stop using facebook
no facebook
looks like this is the last day I using facebook because I already close my facebook account and the reason is because I'm a Muslim who against the group called everybody draw muhammad day on facebook and that insult every Muslim in this world including me, cause I will do anything to protect Islam even with my life.

I love Allah I love Rasulullah will said "Stop Using Facebook", No More Facebook, because they don't know and doesn't want to know what Islam is.

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Please don't give up on me, Allah

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I know what I've been doing now is wasting time and really doesn't have meaning at all, but I have to do this so I know where is the limit of me and when I reach that limit I believe I'll do anything, anything only because of Allah not because I have to or just an obligation, but truly because of Allah only, and it's something very easy to say and very hard to do.

So, with I love Allah I love Rasulullah, I will try the best I can do to make it even that's really take a long long time or in a short time if I'm lucky. but I'll just want to something for myself before I entering that gate and I believe Allah really know me well.

Thank You Allah for the understanding and don't give up on me.

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Thank You Allah for trusting me

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Finally that day is come and once again Allah prove that Allah never let us down and I know it from beginning, just I'm the one who can be patient enough but Alhamdulillah finally I can continue this life until next months and I hope another months, years, and keep it better and better.

I love Allah I love Rasulullah just want to show how grateful I'm to have Allah and Allah still believe me to carry on this responsibility. Thank You Allah and please give me another chance to make my dream comes true.

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Allah will help me no matter what

Sunday, May 16, 2010

When I really want something and that thing is for good thing and for better thing, I think there is no problem with it as long as for the good and better situation. same like me who try to struggle against the faith that I won't give up to the faith because people can change if they want to change and with try everything you can do, pray and give everything to Allah, I believe the result will be the best for all of us.

I love Allah I love Rasulullah try to make something better and better even I know it's really hard in this situation because I really doesn't know anything about the future, what I know is try do the best I can until I can not move anymore.

I believe Allah will see everything that I already try to survive and I believe Allah will help me no matter what.

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Allah Islamic Wallpaper

Friday, May 14, 2010

Allah Islamic Wallpaper
Just want to share with all of you from I love Allah I love Rasulullah, the cool Islamic Wallpaper and this is Allah Islamic Wallpapers. Thanks for visiting.

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Cool Islamic Wallpapers

Thursday, May 13, 2010

cool islamic wallpapers
When you face really hard problem, you must be hope that problem will finish soon and when that problem keep continuing disturb, just think positif. Everything comes from Allah and Allah never give something if we can't carry it on. that's what I love Allah I love Rasulullah try to tell to all of you with this Cool Islamic Wallpapers.

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Is this Heaven Looks like?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

is this heaven looks like
is this heaven looks like? or this is heaven that I imagine? all of this Beauty Wallpaper from I love Allah I love Rasulullah make me imagine about heaven, because I believe when someone already do something good in this world, they would be reward by Allah by entering to the heaven.

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Help me through this, ya Allah

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This is really hard for me, because Allah give me something that test me and it's really hard for me to face it. but no matter what happen I have to be strong and I have to be trust that Allah never give something to me if I can't carry it on.

But, please help me through this all, Allah! I don't have any strength beside You gave all of that to me, and with your bless I will survive. I love Allah I love Rasulullah really face hard problem, but I have to be strong.

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I miss You Allah

Friday, May 7, 2010

I miss You Allah
for now probably this is my biggest dream ever, which complete my final Rukun Islam and to do that, I need to go to Mekah and doing "Ibadah Haji". but today, that's only dream for me and I hope someday I can make that dream come true. I love Allah I love Rasulullah now back with "I miss You Allah" mean I want to complete Allah invitation, I hope and I will.

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Keindahan Akhlak Muhammad Rasulullah

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Keindahan Akhlak Muhammad Rasulullah

When I've read about how is the attitude or manner of Muhammad Rasulullah, I realize that almost everything I've done is so far away from it. How can I say that I'm his followers mean while I've done nothing yet to follow him, follow what his told to every his followers. So, with this Islamic Wallpapers called "Keindahan Akhlak Muhammad Rasulullah" on I love Allah I love Rasulullah, I made my promise that I will follow everything about him, insya Allah.

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I want to go to Haji at Mekah al Mukaromah

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I want to go to Haji, Mekah al Mukaromah

Subhanallah, this is the place that I want to go all my life in this world, not Bali, New York, Paris, Milan or any other city, but I want to go to Mekah al Mukaromah where in that place I can go to haji, run my last Rukun Islam. I hope Allah will listen to my wish and make it comes true soon, insya Allah. from I love Allah I love Rasulullah, this is one of my big dream which is I want to go to Haji.

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Cool Islamic Wallpapers

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

cool Islamic Wallpapers

from I love Allah I love Rasulullah with Cool Islamic Wallpapers which the words "Tiada Tuhan Selain Allah".

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Allah will always listen to me

Monday, May 3, 2010

sama like the other last posting, I don't add an Islamic Wallpapers or something like that, but I'll just want to write on I love Allah I love Rasulullah. I want to pray and begging to Allah so perhaps Allah will listen to my sorrow right now.

I know I'm not the best or even worst, I'm only an ordinary man who always make mistake is his life and again and again, even I don't know when I can stop make any mistaken. I'm the one who always make Allah disappoint and there is nothing I can proud with myself. But I believe Allah "Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang" and I know Allah will always listen to me.

as a Muslim, I'll try to face and run this life the way I thought in Islam, and I can't blame anyone because for my suffering right now but once again, I believe Allah will always forgive me. When I face the dead end, I don't know to whom I can ask for help. Friends, family, or even my parents can help me because they probably have the same position almost like me, mean while I have to fill all the obligation but less than four days I have to complete everything which is pay every bill that I have to pay. But until know I don't know where do I have to find it. Should I run away from all of it?

Ya Allah, please show me the way, give me an opportunity to raise again, help me to stand on my own feet. I know You listen to me and I know You understand what is my condition right now. I really need Your help, Ya Allah! Please Help Me in anyway You can help me. I don't have anything else beside my last hope to You, ya Allah.

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Allah teach us how to love in Peace

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Allah teach us live in peace

I wish everyone in this world know Islam correctly and want to learn Islam correctly, I believe this world will be peaceful, especially for my country, Indonesia. I wish every one who run this nation use the Islamic ways, I believe there will be less corruptor or criminal in Indonesia, but once again, they only use Islam as they Identity and that's what make Islam looks bad in the International view. But, I believe someday will be the one who want to sacrifice themselves for the glory of Islam again and I hope that day will come soon. Because Allah Teach us how to live in peace and why don't we follow that? I love Allah I love Rasulullah really want to do something for the glory of Islam, mostly for the glory of this world, for everyone in this world!

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Wallpaper Islami, Kebesaran Allah, Kaligrafi Islami, Islam is my Life, Allah Maha Besar

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