Connect to Allah

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


After listen what my teacher said, I realize there is so many mistake that I've been made. When I know everything will become valuable when connected to Allah, I cry and cry like a child, because I always chase something fake, unreal. He said, when we have knowledge, the best knowledge is when that knowledge connecting us to Allah in simple word mean we always remember Allah from that knowledge. When we have money, the best money is the money we spent in Allah ways, and when we have vehicle, the best vehicle is the vehicle who already bring us to the place who connect to Allah, such as Mosque and etc.

I love Allah and I love Rasulullah really love to write this, because this always remain myself what should I do the best for Allah and Rasulullah. and in this post I've been realize that everything we do is has to connect to Allah.

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Just Love Allah and Rasulullah

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wow, I think this blog already dissappear, but I Love Allah I Love Rasulullah is still here! Alhamdulillah. Finally this blog can update again to give all of us about what is the real Islam? Because there is too many negative thinking about Islam from the other side of this world.

When someone already Love Allah and Rasulullah, there is nothing to be worried about their life, because they must be believe everything is already arrange by Allah and there is nothing to be afraid off. So, beside they try the best they can do, they also will gave everything to Allah because they know Allah will give the best for us.

So, I Love Allah I Love Rasulullah will back again soon. oh ya, one more thing, congratulations to Galaxy Computer Service.

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The Last from I love Allah I love Rasulullah?

Monday, July 19, 2010

I love Allah I love Rasulullah probably will not post or update again start from tomorrow morning, that's because I'm not doing internet cafe business anymore, it's too expensive for me and for everything that gave to me, I can only said Alhamdulillah.

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Do the best can do only for Allah and because of Allah

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Subhanallah, with all this situation that Allah gave to me, that's make me think and learn that me is nothing compare to Allah, Allah Maha Besar, Allah is The Greatest, and me? I'm just nothing, the one who can't do anything without permission from Allah. and what can I do, and what should I do? that's the question always come inside my mind. and the answer is, I have to getting close to Allah with Sholat, Dzikir and anything I can do to make Allah pleased and Insya Allah, Allah will pay all of our "work" with the best thing that Allah will give to us and don't worry about you will loose or something wont make benefit for you, because Allah always want us to comeback to Allah way not the others.

Subhanallah, hope Allah will bless all of us and help us all the times as long as we remember to Allah. Amin. I love Allah I love Rasulullah always try to remember do the best can do only for Allah and because of Allah.

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Help Me through this cruel world, Ya Allah

Sunday, July 11, 2010

how could I can't think about how about with the rest of my life? how can I responsible to my family and to Allah, because until now I still can not solve the whole problem. Ya Allah, please help me, I can't do anything without Your help, and I don't have anything anymore. Please Help me through this cruel world. I love Allah I love Rasulullah keep try to survive.

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Don't take it away from me, Allah

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When you do something only hoping bless from Allah, I believe everything you do, of course the good one will be pay by Allah with the best thing in this world and that's will fit to all of us. I love Allah I love Rasulullah keep trying to make something better for me and my family, and if I can for everyone near me, friends and my country.

Please make me become the winner, Allah, don't let anything make me down because I always wants Your love all the times and don't take that away from me, please!!!

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Try to Raise again with help from Allah

Monday, July 5, 2010

Now, I'll try to raise again all the spirit inside of me and with Love from Allah, I believe everything will be just fine and everything what I'm doing will be pay by Allah. and I love Allah I love Rasulullah now try to raise again from the bottom to the top of this world and of course the next life in heaven.

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